Sunday, February 3, 2013

Spring is Almost Here

With winter staring us right in the eye, spring may seem like a while away but it is never too early to start preparing. Many of us, when thinking about the past, tend to think that the style back then is now out of date. That is not always true and from my opinion they never truly go away because there is always someone who is keeping the style alive or will soon bring it back. This brings me to introduce you to the chic retro look that you can either play down a little by adding modern pieces to it or play it up by completely adding the retro look to your style. With the retro look comes the bright colors associated with spring but don't forget your metallic either. Adding a pieces that have metallic colors can always make your outfit have that pop that you are looking for in order to stand out in a crowd. This also lets you show that individuality in times where fashion has lost its spark in your environment.